Top 5 Accidental Deaths: Accidental Deaths as Likely as Breast Cancer

The odds a person will die from an accident in a year (1 in 2,462) are roughly the same odds a female younger than 50 will be diagnosed with breast cancer in a year (1 in 2,337). It’s inevitable to ask, what are the odds that may happen to me? In what follows, Book of Odds lists the top 5 causes of accidental death and offers comparable odds to put this all in context.

  1. TRANSPORTATION ACCIDENT: The odds a person will die in a transportation accident in a year are 1 in 6,279, which are roughly the same odds a billiards player will be injured while playing billiards in a year, 1 in 6,734.
  2. ACCIDENTAL POISONING: The odds a person will die from an accidental poisoning in a year are 1 in 10,870, which are roughly the same odds a person will be diagnosed with Lyme disease in a year, 1 in 10,780.
  3. DRUG OVERDOSE: The odds a person will die from a drug overdose in a year are 1 in 11,340, which are roughly the same odds a teenager 13 – 14 has AIDS, 1 in 11,880.
  4. ACCIDENTAL FALL: The odds a person will die from an accidental fall in a year are 1 in 14,380, which are roughly the same odds a person will visit an emergency department due to an accident involving a washer or dryer in a year, 1 in 14,470.
  5. DROWNING: The odds a person will die by drowning in a year are 1 in 83,650, which are roughly the same odds a male will be diagnosed with breast cancer in a year, 1 in 78,740.

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